The Friends are a critical funding partner for the USFS Payette Avalanche Center, are work directly help funds and support the PAC and its operations.
FPAC provides the web platform and support which includes routine upgrades, weather stations, and snowmobiles, an essential tool that allows forecasters to reach deeper backcountry zones and interact with an ever-increasing motorized user group. We also provide the funding for upgrades and maintenance on all of the equipment. Our goals in the future are to help offset the cost of expanding the forecast area to include more of the areas that you are recreating in. None of this would be possible without support from our business sponsors, agency partners, and family foundations. We offer basic sponsorships for cash or donated items that get your business listed on our website and featured throughout the season on our social media posts as well as a limited number of daily sponsorships that feature a listing, link, and exposure on the daily advisory, email, and in our social media posts.
If you would like to find out which option is best for your business and want to help support avalanche forecasting in the West Central Mountains for the 24/25 season, contact for more information. It’s a great way to get exposure for your company with our audience. All donations are tax deductible, the Friends are a registered 501(c)3 entity.
$1250 +


$100 +

Individual and family donors:
Trailbreakers $1000+
Dawn Patrollers $100+
Weekend Warriors $25 +